Seeking shelter
Bhakti offers us a deep message about seeking shelter. This term is often found in bhakti texts where we are reminded to think about where we seek shelter in life or what we turn to in response to stress, hardships and boredom.

Chanting for Peace and Protection
Our recent events have been dedicated to the people of Ukraine, including a number of bhakti yogis facing especially challenging circumstances there.

Cultivating Balance
Cultivating a sense of balance is a step towards developing an attitude of surrender and can help us feel grounded when the world around us feels unpredictable. We start with being present and noting the rhythms around us in nature: the changing of the seasons, the rhythm of sunrise and sunset and within ourselves, the rise and fall of our breath.

A-Z of Kirtan: B is for Bond
A mantra is much more than just a potent sound, it is a personal address, a call for help, a heartfelt expression of gratitude.

A-Z of Kirtan: A is for Attention
By attentively focusing on mantra, we allow the deep grooves of unhelpful or compulsive thought patterns to be filled in. In their place come the uplifting and cleansing sounds of the mantra which lovingly nudge us into an altogether more positive state of mind.